School Board Directors Stick Together!
How a Republican reached out to a Democrat based on common ground.
I know I said you wouldn't hear from me until next year, but this incident of making a bipartisan connection so quickly after the decisive defeat of the Democrats needed to be shared. I want to be a shining example of unity and outreach! I want to show that even though the local Democrats enjoy hurting children and taxpayers and are completely fucking insane, it's possible that Republicans can reach out to them and support them on matters of principle.
This week, Ms. Jennifer Chaparro (emphasis on Ms. since no real man would ever be near this insufferable, raging, TDS lunatic), the president of the Riverview School District school board shared with the world her thoughts on our three-term President. Here is Ms. Chaparro, standing next to an American flag, which is clearly a false virtue signaling prop, as Communists like her don’t believe in the values represented by our flag.
Compare that with a patriot’s undying love for his country:
I’m getting verklempt just looking at this. And then this week, we saw Trump’s cabinet and administrative picks rolling in and felt assured that we will be in good hands, with an immediate cleansing of the anti-American trash physically and metaphorically infesting our great nation. But I digress.
Riverview School District is responsible for indoctrinating the children of woke Oakmont, which was a Republican heavy community just 15 years ago. It has made a dramatic shift to a Democrat insane asylum that harbors the leftists who want to be out of the shithole that Pittsburgh has become, but still be close enough to it to not forget their city-destroying roots that caused them to leave it in the first place - able to now impart that learned damage within their new suburb. Ms. Chaparro’s post resulted in post-election online backlash and complaints were made with the Riverview School District during a meeting this week:
During the meeting, Chaparro said she ran for school board to help the community and the students who attend Riverview School District. She said she has little interest in advancing her own political career but said, as an elected official, she has every right to have a public political opinion.
“I certainly never took on this work thinking this was a political stepping stone to some other big role,” she said. “Being on this board is an elected position so, unfortunately, it is partisan to get here. I don’t bring my politics to this seat, but, in order to run, it does have to be a political endeavor.”
Antonio Paris, school board vice president, said there is nothing in the district’s code that bars school board members from expressing their political opinion on their personal social media accounts.
So, apparently, this board was well-advised by its legal counsel that no retaliation or other actions could be taken against a board member for their political speech. This is clearly opposite to Norwin’s approach in dealing with those it politically disagrees with, which is why they are the subject of my lawsuit. However, in Norwin’s case, due to the timing of the retaliation (by now former superintendent Jeff Taylor) relative to when I posted the political meme, it can be deduced that no legal advice was provided. In any event, those details will all come out in discovery once this case is finally heard. In the meantime, Taylor has decided to take both a professional appointment demotion and salary cut. I make no public speculation as to what transpired for someone to do this.
In any case, seeing the similarities (minus the retaliation and TDS) regarding the freedom of speech issues in both my case and the recent rantings of Ms. Chaparro, I decided to reach out to her to show how important it is that we maintain, for the benefit of all citizens, our U.S. Constitution that is a thorn in the side of leftists like Ms. Chaparro.
Although we will never see eye-to-eye communist, I hope she reaches out and acknowledges that free speech, which allows her to spew her anti-American rhetoric, is championed by Trump - the freedom-loving individual that she despises. Nobody said liberals were smart people. They are, after all, afflicted with a mental disorder known as liberalism. And to think that these types of people are sitting on school boards, even here in Norwin.
It’s never been my policy to leave open-ended emails if I want a response, so I made sure to pose a question to Jennifer that requires a definitive answer:
I understand a board full of woke leftists, but come on… man! Err, an unfortunate choice of wording on my part for sure, but you know what I mean. You’re trolling us, Riverview. I refuse to believe this is real. Halloween leftovers? Shemale Sherlock Holmes? Anyway, I’ll be sure to update this article if Jennifer reaches out to me - please Jenny, we need to know!
And can I get a break from the lefty insanity, finally? I thought we convincingly won this election, yet their antics keep dragging me to the writer’s table! First world problems, as the kids would say. Haha.
See you next year! <humming> Trump won and you know it…