Freedom from Facebook
A 180-day suspension for trying to help people? I’m shocked! Who would want to be associated with such an anti-humanist organization? Read on.
As many of you know, I take a Facebook hiatus every summer to detox from the endless barrage of stupidity absorbed by reading the local Norwin groups (a compendium of dumbasses whining about tax bills going up while not having voted; morons debating why we have 20 banks and car washes yet not a single artery-clogging Chix-Fil-A; relentless promotion of roofing companies and other contractors that hire illegals under the table yet tout themselves as being filled with American pride; and unabashed praise for Calvary Church for rolling out the red carpet for foreign invaders). Notwithstanding the political posts by the low IQ leftists, this is just a small sample of idiocy that manifests itself on Norwin’s Facebook pages.
At the end of August I start ramping up my FB skills to be prepared to take on the fat and psychopathic RINO mommies (who, let’s face it, secretly desire a strong-willed man like myself) and Democrats of the Norwin district. In anticipation for this, my online exercise routine involves leaving comments to Facebook ads, so that I can gauge the current insanity at a national and Pittsburgh level. It's quite boring to respond to the same dozen fake profiles of the same handful of people like Crazy Melissa on the local pages. I need actual back-and-forth discourse and not the rantings of a Google Search Copy-and-Paste Queen. Some examples of my warmups include trashing absurd woke ads (black woman, white man, and Asian kid strolling on the beach, hand-in-hand, as a supposed illustration of a typical American family - come on, man!); ripping apart the WebMD posts where they still promote CDC/FDA/WHO recommendations for the newest bioweapon booster; mocking blithering braindead boomers on U.S. Steel's page who claim that a merger with Nippon Steel would be giving away secrets to our enemy (Japan is our friend - it’s China that the Democrats under the Clinton Cartel started selling U.S. secrets to - your equally dumb daddy kept voting Democrat due to his union marching orders, which is why U.S. Steel is in the position it’s in); annoying the leftists posting on PravdaLive and WPXI's pages on various political matters like pointing out that Pittsburgh Democrats like to hurt children (I know, I know, it’s a known fact, but it bears repeating); blasting every recent post of the Western PA Red Cross by asking why they are terminating volunteers who support Trump and how much they would pay for my unvaxxed, pureblood type-O blood. Such truth-bombs resulted in my posts being reported by basement-dwelling betas, and after enough whining, caused the Facebook algorithm to kick in, suspending me from posting on groups for 15 days. Surprisingly, I have never been in FB jail before, but this time I felt I was posting the right things to achieve this highly-sought honor.
Well, how am I supposed to spread the truth, light, and American way now!? I said to myself: "Alex, you'll never change the ways of these Satanic, pedophilic-enabling, communists. You need to refocus your energy into doing good. Do better, as the lefties say!" So that's exactly what I did the past month! Since I was kicked out of groups, I could only post on the personal pages of anyone who had allowed open posting. This gem of a resource (that's doing the Lord's work in exposing the consequences of being injected with the bioweapon) and others do an amazing job of presenting a Before/After dichotomy of victim posts: one post at the time of the injection and then a post of one of their friends or family members mourning the loss of said victim. Sometimes the victim makes their own post about suffering physically or having been diagnosed with a terminal illness (e.g., turbo cancer at a young age). Almost all such posts include the incredulous wording that death was "sudden and unexpected."
In any case, I was attempting to assist families by trying to influence them to seek justice for the loss of their loved ones. Being the kind-hearted person that I am, I encouraged them to contact their state attorney general and petition for them to file suit against the pharmaceutical corporations (as has recently been done by a couple red states) or to sue employers who used coercion to remove medical autonomy from their employees, whom they say they care so much about. But what did I get in return? Hysterics about how mean I was at best and expletives at worst or wishes that I would die (not possible since I’m of pureblood status, of course). They would lash out saying how dare I inquire about their vaccination status, while the irony was lost on them that the proponents of the Faucicide back then were the ones who kept asking everyone of their vaccination status.
I was taken aback to be met with such hostility. I prefaced all my condolences and advice with statements to the effect that "when the healing process is complete, then you can honor the memory of your loved one by pursuing legal justice." But no, the cognitive dissonance is strong. It was bizarre to discover that those criticizing me indicated on their own page that they were eager to receive their updated September vaccine even after they had just witnessed their family member or friend die! One can only do so much for people who are mentally ill or just stupid. Please don’t misunderstand me. I have utmost sympathy for anyone who was coerced or misled into getting this shot, Republican or Democrat (well, except the pedos among you). You truly are victims. However, the others, as explained below, are not.
I always have the best intentions in mind and am frustrated when logic and science (not the big pharma, government agenda, monetary gain “science” that people mistook for real science) are dismissed. So, of course, after having my humanitarian efforts dismissed by these ungrateful bastards, I experienced schadenfreude in knowing that some of the deceased were self-righteous cretins who pushed the bioweapon onto others, and yes, I rubbed it in their faces as they had done to those who valued bodily autonomy.
Some of them did so indirectly by virtue-signaling their accomplishment of rolling up their sleeves for Facebook/Instagram likes and shaming those who were reluctant in being human guinea pigs and supporting the unsettling dystopian idea of preventing the unvaccinated from participating in society.
I’m angered seeing the earlier Facebook posts of their requisite Band-Aid arm or vaccination card pic, praising the miracle of Dr. Anthony “Mengele” Fauci, and telling you to stop killing everyone with your unmasked, unvaxxed sneeze, and to book your death lottery appointment so not to miss out on your free donut (or two!). But then I shake my head that people could stoop down to tyranny against their fellow man and not respect personal liberty and freedom of choice, but then a smirk begins to form when I see the recent post about their passing. I close my eyes and imagine they are rotting in the eighth circle (we’re reserving the last one) of Hell for eternity. I love happy endings.
Others directly pushed the bioweapon, by administering or coordinating the shots into a naive populace who were not provided with the foundation of all medical treatment: informed consent. We’re talking about medical professionals who are supposed to understand this concept, having taken either a Nightingale Pledge or Hippocratic Oath to pledge to do no harm, yet here they were injecting an untested pharmaceutical with 1291 side effects listed on 32 pages, including blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks into adults. And most egregiously, you had pediatricians inject this poison into children not knowing the long-term effects, but fully aware that the unknown risks could in no way outweigh the perceived benefits when Covid in children manifested itself as nothing more than flu symptoms.
I’m angered seeing the earlier Facebook posts of these nurses and doctors extolling the “safe and effective” shots, telling us to “follow the science” and to dismiss online conspiracies, while boasting how grateful they are that they just vaccinated hundreds of community members at the monthly ad-hoc vaccine clinic held at the local civic center (all complicit in crimes against humanity, of course). I shake my head that those who are in a position of trust to improve the health of others are either too stupid (which should have precluded them from ever entering the medical field, let alone having qualified them to look after the welfare of an ant colony), apathetic, or “just following orders” that they should have known were wrong, but then, as before, a smirk begins to form when I see the recent post about their passing. I close my eyes and imagine they are rotting in the ninth circle of Hell for eternity (we saved room for those who actually did the killing). I REALLY love happy endings!
For some inexplicable reason, Facebook didn't like my approach. I can’t imagine why an online service that just admitted they censored any dissent to the government’s Covid narrative would not want helpful people like myself from assisting others in seeking recourse for Facebook’s disinformation that resulted in the deaths of their friends and family. Anyway, I feel like this post has deviated from the topic and needs to be redirected. Oh, don't worry, as I will be touching upon more Covidiot goodness in next month’s post entitled Who are the Fucking Idiots in My Neighborhood (with all due respect to pre-woke Sesame Street).
So, back to the purpose of this post. Last week, Facebook gave me a 180-day suspension, undoubtedly due to my caring comments made to victims of the genocidal pharmaceutical companies who conspired to maim and kill Americans. Facebook gave me the opportunity to appeal the suspension if I provided them with a phone number and picture authenticating myself. To Facebook's credit, its image analysis is really smart and no matter what format I saved the following picture in, it wouldn't let me upload it (it must have a database of common verboten images):
I was disappointed that Facebook was hindering my ability to authenticate myself, but I was determined to comply with their request. I hope they will reinstate me when they see themselves in this picture and see that I'm earnestly not posting any disinformation:
In the off-chance that I am perma-banned from Facebook, I could create a fake profile and continue to annoy the lefties this way, but that’s just not me - the phoniness, I mean, of course - annoying lefties, however, is a lifelong mission. Who am I kidding? I would like the latter to be true because it paints me as a true-warrior-badass, but as a compassionate conservative, I really want to help Democrats, even if my methods are unconventional. I’ve been instrumental in having Melissa “Men can have babies” Karabin admit to me that she suffers from a mental illness (her words), I’ve had Ray Horvath withhold denial when I indicated his love of men, and I’ve had Lisa Dupree come out and affirm her support for a domestic terrorist organization like BLM (I will always applaud the convictions of liberals, even if they are flawed).
It’s breakthroughs like these that can only be achieved in a free-discourse environment, where we can dig deep into the twisted psyche of Democrats by engaging with them. Facebook, unfortunately, will no longer permit me to help those with mental disorders from obtaining an enlightened state of self-realization - “Yes, I am a complete sheep moron, but I had no idea until Alex made me understand just who I am. Thank you, Alex!” Yet, these introspective breakthroughs cannot be achieved on a censorship-filled platform like Facebook. It looks like the much-needed healing of our satanic, pedophilic-enabling, communist neighbors can only occur on free-speech platforms like X, Truth Social and Gab:
See you next month, fren.